
Our thoughts and prayers go to the many families of this horrible senseless and heinous act in Newtown. Why would someone want to kill children bugles my mind. I know that the world tries to make kids grow faster than they should but kids should be innocent and live that way because when they reach adulthood, it will be hard to stay innocent, as a child. I keep seeing on different news site reporting on this heart ranching tragedy today that the president subtly spoke on gun control and about how proponents and opponents are rearing their heads around this tragedy, and to me that is disgusting. Gun control would not have helped in this instance or any other instance because laws only strengthens those who will and chooses to continue to sell weapons illegally to people such as these murders, of today and to those of the past. If they cannot go about legally, then they will find it illegally, which is worst. I think that we should look into educating and providing support and returning the power of discipline to parents and communities and not give more powers to states or governments, who can barely handle what they have on their plates now.

Nonetheless, as I am writing this, I remember that what helped me was a mixture of different type of disciplines handed down by my mother and the people in the community where I was raised in, who knew my family. When spankings stop working or I ended up getting used to it my mother went to something else, such taking what I love away and she either sold it, broke it, threw it away and/or hid it for a while, if it was really expensive; she would also have me kneel facing a wall, for a while contemplating what i have done, without being able to go out and play with my friends, whom I was hearing outside having fun and when that time out was done she would ground me for the rest of the day. So because of these different types of disciplines, I believe that I was spared from becoming a problem in my teens and as an adult. I may have hated it or my mother then or at those times, but I am grateful for it and my mother everyday now, especially that I have a child of my own. Now, are there abusive parents or people out there, you betcha, but we need to find new ways to deal with them instead of having blanket laws that hinder the many parents who truly love and want the best for their kids. So, I am pretty sure that if we look into these people’s past we can see lack of or no discipline because of laws that hindered the parents. I believe that a parent who disciplines their kids have no choice but to be involved as much as possible in their child’s and will be able to see something coming, maybe not all the times but most of the time, and the rest can be picked up by the community and/or school because of the relationship that develops between concerned parents, community and school. I say this because the principal and/or director of my school was on first name basis with my mother and every other parent who had their kids attending the school. Any trouble out of me got to my mom ASAP. That is why i believe that draconian laws are not the answer but community and parent building and/or support are. It takes a village to raise a child, which I had when being raised overseas. That is what we need here in America again. Together we can stand against these evil deeds, divided we fall and these deeds will continue. To show how guns is not where the problem lies, a man today injured 22 kids in China with a knife. So the weapon can be anything. We cannot legislate our way out of this, we need better support and programs to develop our communities and foster goodwill. I am neither for or against gun control, since I do not own one but coming from a country where crimes such as these are committed even without a gun, helps me see beyond the politics and straight to the problem(s) at hand. This tragedy today was senseless and needs to be dealt with at the root and we the people are the root and it does not matter what we have at our disposal to commit heinous crimes such as these. This really sucks.

here is the link to the Chinese tragedy today: